

So many books, not enough time.


September 2016

A Game of Thrones – George R.R. Martin



What can I say about this one that hasn’t been said yet?

I’m hooked, I can read it hour on end, and I almost have to force myself to put it down. Even though the book is so large, it’s a bit uncomfortable to hold. I confess, I only heard about the series because of its tv show version, wich got me hooked from the first episode as well. If you’re one of those people who got to read it without seeing the tv show, I envy you. If you are one of those people who are fans of the tv show, but never read the books, I highly recommend you do it. The first season was quite a long time ago, and to be honest I only remembered the major events (refraining myself from spoilers here) so it was still very much exciting to read. Also, you will understand many of the carachters and plots way better.

I don’t think there is a better word to describe A Game of Thrones than EPIC. I can tell how not just a huge amount of imagination went into it, but a lot of research as well, language wise, appearence of the carachters, weapons, all the little details that make it amazing.

You will definitly find yourself engaged by the carachters, some you will love, some you will hate. My favorite one is Tyrion Lannister. (wink) I also have a strong dislike for Catelyn Stark, to the outrage of some of my friend. The chapters of the book ar centered on one carachter at the time, and when I’m reading the chapters that bear Catelyn’s name, I only read every second paragraph.

Now, if you’ve never seen the tv show, and you’re starting to read this, be patient if the first couple of chapters seem slow to you, it will pick up the pace I promise, and it will take you for an exciting ride.

Be prepared though, at times it can get gory, and it’s not for the faint hearted. Some people critiqued George R.R. Martin, for the cruelty of some of the scenes, but others would agree, that that’s what makes the story authentique. The real world is full of unbelievable events, coincidences, and odd characters. After all, unexpected details are the heart of verisimilitude.

I feel like there’s not much I could say really that would do this epic book justice, other then it’s amazing ! My dilemma now, when I’m about to start work again, is if to read all of the rest, or read something else as well in between. I don’t know how I would cope with not being able to read as much as I want , whenever I want. :))
In the end, I am glad I watched the show first, if only so that I know how to pronounce the characters’ names. :)) And in the books some of the carachters are way younger than how they are depicted in the tv show, and I prefer imagining them more grown-up. Also, be prepared that reading A game of thrones might make you hungry, thirsty, or even horny. Don’t say I didn’t warn you :))

I just had to share this :


Aaand this :)) :


I would get by just fine in Westeros, am I right? As long as they serve strong black coffee :))






Ok, first I feel like I need to set something straight : if you are not a fan of the Harry Potter story, don’t bother with this post. You will not get my connection with the story, and you will be bored. I will probably write at some point about the first stories and what made me love them, and encourage you to read them as well, but the last book in the series it’s probably not the best place to start, is it?

That being said I don’t even know where to begin. I feel that being given another glimpse at Harry’s world is such a huge gift, and every fan will appreciate it, more or less. When I started reading about it months ago, I didn’t even believe it to be a real thing, but more like wishful thinking on the fans part. Turns out, the play’s written version really  did come out, right after the play’s premier in London.

I am so scared of spoiling it, I’m not even sure what to write. The last thing I would want would be to spoil it for anybody. Two of the Harry Potter books were spoiled for me, and at them time, I really wished I would be able to un-know whatever it was that I found out.

So I guess it would be  to only talk about my feelings towards it. Wich I will do, but if you’re gonna read it, it’s probably best to read it first, and maybe then, come back here, if you’re still curious about my opinion.

I think I was not the only person to have mixed feelings when I read about the book coming out. I really wanted to read more about Harry and the wizarding world, but I think the way things ended in Deathly Hallows was perfect, and I was afraid this new book might ruin it.

A few scenes into the story, I felt like, OH NO, I wish I wouldn’t have started it. That’s because I felt it’s gonna change the way I see the story from now on, when I’m gonna re-read it. Which I do, like every couple of years. But of course, in spite of these feelings, I was hooked, and there was no going back.

Revisiting the wizarding world felt like a cosy blanket that you pull on yourself on a chilly autumn afternoon. It felt familiar, and I was thrilled for the opportunity. Reading about Harry, Ron and Hermione truly felt like catching up with friends I didn’t see in a long, long time. I could actually visualise the conversation in my head:

Harry : Hi , how you’ve been?

Me: Great, I had a few teaching jobs, I finished university, moved to Scotland, and then to England.What about you guys? What have you been up to since defeating the Dark Lord?

Harry/Hermione/Ron: …(I promised no spoilers, not even tiny ones, so better they tell you what they’ve been up to, when you’re gonna read the play).

I thought that being written as a play it’s gonna make less enjoyable to read, but trust me it wasn’t the case at all. The dialogue basically reads itself. I’ve read a few reviews, and some people where saying that it doesn’t feel like it was written by JKR. I strongly disagree. Throughout the book, her playful humour and magic with words are there.

The story has a different vibe from the first seven, that’s for sure. It is more character driven, and less action focused. My best advice would be, before you start reading it, is that you take in consideration that there’s a gap between where the story left off in Deathly Hallows and what you’re gonna read in the Cursed Child. Better yet, as a start treat them as two separate things. It will be easier to read with an open mind and decide if you like it or not. I really hope you do.

I am grateful for the opportunity to revisit the wizarding world, I’m sure seeing the play performed must be amazing as well. Once again, great job .JK.R.!


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